Saturday, November 3, 2018

What is causing this really strange removal from SERP?

Long story short: on the 24th of October a website of ours that gets 1k-3k clicks per day (weekend highs) disappeared from Google for 50%+ of the terms we target. Mainly terms that have a high search volume were affected. There are no manual penalties and we do not do any blackhat link building (all of our links are from other sites we run in the niche). The website is just under a year old but has had very stable search stats and site stats for the past 6 months.

We were ranking #2 for a term that gets a total of 60k+ searches per month. On the 23rd we were there at #2, on the 24th we weren't on the page at all. We've been trying to diagnose the issue and have not managed to reach any conclusion.

Today we noticed something that we've never noticed before and wanted to find out if this is normal/what this could mean:

Say the term we were ranking #2 for was "best earphones" and the site that was ranking above us is bestearphones . com (just an example), if we search for "best earphones" on/after the 24th, we are nowhere to be seen, despite being #2 for the past few months. If however we search for "best earphones", we reappear on the SERP at #1.

So, for some reason, when this website (our competitor) is on the SERP for this term/related terms, we are no where to be seen. Our content is similar as we are both listing the best earphones. Whilst it is impossible to not have some overlap, the content is unique and not copied in any way.

Most (75%+) of the other results on the SERP are the exact same kind of content - lists of the best earphones. So, why has our website been blocked out when this other website is here? Is this normal? Why was it a sudden change?

We've also noticed this with a different term and a different website. The "best earphones" page still ranks for other terms that we specifically targeted (e.g. "best earphones 2018") at #1 and high positions.. Really confused as to why this has happened.

Any ideas / input are more than welcome. Thank you so much for taking the time to read!!

submitted by /u/dann2g
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