Monday, January 28, 2019

Whats the best way to add a blog to a static website?

Planning on starting blogging to rank my website for a certain niche.

Thing is its a static single page bootstrap site with no CRM or blogging system in place.

What are the next steps here?

A) Is there a convenient and hopefully free CRM/blogging system I can integrate into my site so it can show up under my domain

ie domain/blog/index.html

B) Or am i going to have to scrap my site and use a CRM included service/framework? like wordpress?

C) I would love to be able to code my own simple blogging system but it seems like that would take too much time to do well.

Amongst choice A, B and C, which would you choose and what best practices would you implement to ensure the site and blogging additions are seo optimized?


submitted by /u/DeepKaizen
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