Saturday, March 2, 2019

The best way of implementing a crucial keyword on every page?


I'm running a website about a certain product. I don't want to go too much into what it is, but let's call it IKEA. The site/blog is about IKEA products.

Since IKEA is a trademarked name I can't have it in the URL, and therefore it wouldn't make sense to have it in the title either. So I'm kind of lost on how to SEO my site as effective as possible. Obviously IKEA is the biggest keyword, but I'm not sure where to put it on each blog post. I don't want to name every post "IKEA - Here's a chair", "IKEA - Look at this table" etc.

How important is the title for SEO? Could I add the IKEA keyword somewhere else for maxium SEO profit? Would a better way to be to add IKEA as a site tagline (like " - IKEA products" so it will show on each page? Or are there better ways?

Appreciate your thoughts.

submitted by /u/danielwerner86
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