Thursday, August 1, 2019

Is this a good keyword to hop into?

So I have been doing keyword research for various keywords and came across one that has: 10k search traffic a month.

The websites that rank for it have very different backlink profiles, I checked it in ahrefs and One of the had like 7k backlinks with 139 referring domains , but their top 100 on ahrefs are like 90% spammy.

The first ranking had about 500 total links and 240 dofollow with 66 domains. The links are also kinda low UR.

My question is, do you think, based on these statistics that I can rank for this keyword if I buy a handful of quality pbn backlinks? I'm. New to seo.

Also isn't 7k backlinks with just 139 referring domains really bad?

Does this sound like a good niche to u? (10k traffic and sites rank with these bad backlink profiles?)

submitted by /u/Redditpoopsub99
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