Friday, May 1, 2020

blogger is bad for google search results?

I am in a major dilemma right now.

I started a blog on blogger a couple years back and ran it with the ( extension for a while. I then bought a domain name for it using google domains and connected the sites. It is now called the lost otaku . Anyways, I really like the way the site looks and I am happy about the user interface and ease with which you can do stuff using the blogger.

Unfortunately though, I think that blogger sites are ridiculously outperformed by ones hosted on other platforms.

Ill give an example as to what I mean by this.

At one point when I was actively blogging, I decided to move my blog to Wordpress because the community of writer on Wordpress are quite supportive of each other and what not. So I download the .xml file from blogger and uploaded it to Wordpress. After a certain point tho, I went back to using blogger because the site on blogger was already quite established and I didn't feel like starting anew with the Wordpress site and all.

Fast forward a year however and I look up a search term that my blogger blog has been getting traffic from to see what It looks like on the search results and what not .

To my surprise, the Wordpress blog that was established way later from the blogger one and had been inactive for almost a year has a higher position in google search results (first position while the blogger blog is 4th or 5th. Plus it has a extension while remember that the blogger one has a custom domain. (Same post because I had copied the .xml file to Wordpress)

So to sum it up, same content on two hosts , one actually published later than the other and has been inactive for a year almost ranks higher is google search result.

I guess this doesn't exactly have to do with SEO but then it really does.

As a result, I decided that maybe I should move my site to Wordpress because the effort that I am putting into blogging is almost pointless but Wordpress hosting is really expensive and I don't want to spend that much money as of now.

So any suggestions as to what I should do?

submitted by /u/Aabaran
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