Saturday, May 2, 2020

SEO Newbie here, can I get some opinions?

Finishing up Googles free digital Marketing certification, and I am taking SEO courses on Moz academy right now (which are all free for the next 30 days). SEO is awesome!! But as I read up on algorthims, and how google changes things, are the "techincal" side of SEO going to be a thing of the past, and content the future?

If so, I dont know how good I am at creating original that something that you guys had similar feelings in, but learned how to do it? I can type, and I am creative for a niche I'm passionate about, but making concise, nice content that people want to consume...where would I start, and is it worth it to learn myself, or just master all the other parts of E-commerce and hire an SEO guy that can curate/make content?

submitted by /u/ThankYouCorvus
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