I'm learning to do research. I will occasionally use online sources, like blog entries, forum discussions, and newspaper articles. To evaluate those sources, one of the things I'd need to do is figure out the number of citations of an URL and the sources that cite that URL.
This should look a lot like using Google Scholar. For example, if I search "The Craft of Research" in Google Scholar, below the URL of the e-book from Google Books it will say that 2801 sources cited that e-book. If I click on "Cited by 2801", it will show me the 2801 sources that cited it. I need something like that but for URLs. Is there any free backlink checker that does this?
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from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/kl1mco/whats_a_good_free_backlink_checker_for_an/>
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