Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Question regarding a backlink opportunity


We have the opportunity to obtain many backlinks from a "competitor" in our field. This competitor hosts free-access genealogical data and generates most of their traffic through search engines. The data on their website is very often sourced from our 2 websites and collections (which are behind a paywall), but they do mention us as being the source more often than not. For example, they will include "source: nameofourwebsite (no link)" in text on their pages.

They have offered to make it so every mention of our company and our websites on their pages becomes a link to our websites' homepages. This would represent about 100 000 new back links for us. Note that there would be at most 4 or 5 links per page, these 100 000 links would be spread all over their website.

I'm interested in the SEO aspect of this. Is there such a thing as too many back links? Is 100 000 backlinks from the same website better than 1000 backlinks from the same website?

Thank you so much for taking the time to help.

submitted by /u/akalaM
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