Sunday, November 3, 2019

Rank above unused (similar) domain

Hi all, got a bit of a weird one that I'm hoping to get some help with.

First, I'm not very knowledgable on SEO, I'm more into the web development side of things...

I have a customer with a bad, outdated website, and they want a new one. The person who registered the site (with GoDaddy) has passed away, and my client does not have the account info to get into GoDaddy. I've looked into contacting GoDaddy to get the ownership transferred, but from what I've read, the process is long, onerous and my client does not have the details that GoDaddy would require (the client is fairly old, and is not in contact with the deceased' s estate).

The domain for the current website is due to expire in Dec (found on WhoIs), so I figure I have 3 options:

1) Wait for the current domain to expire, hope it doesnt auto-renew and then buy it. 2) Try and get GoDaddy ownership transferred (even then, I do not have access to the host). 3) Get a fresh domain and build from the ground up.

If I were to go with option 3, how should I go about making the new domain outrank the old one? Would the fact that it has been updated more recently work in my favour? Is there any meta information etc I can add to help this?

Thanks in advance for your help.

submitted by /u/wp_new
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