Friday, March 27, 2020

For SEO purposes, how far back should you include data?

Hi r/SEO,

I'm currently redesigning the website of a company (since it hasn't been updated since like 2002 by the looks of it). My main purpose is to present information in a better understandable way and make it mobile friendly. This should both provide a boost to the ranking on keywords.

Since the company offers multiple services, I'm trying to use keyword data in Google Search Console as well as searchvolume in general - in conjunction with the behavior of visitors on the website as collected with Google Analytics - to present services in a way that better aligns with what our visitors are looking for.

My question is: how do I determine what range of data to look at? I could arbitrarily set GSC and Analytics to the past year or whatever. Alternatively, I could also look at data and go back in the past until the data doesn't represent the same trend it has been, but that seems biased to the present and current events.


I guess my question is: How do you go about determining how much data to look at?

submitted by /u/Spyron10
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