Thursday, March 26, 2020

Fundamentals to Work on during downtime

Hey guys,

So unfortunately, I was part of the many people who were laid off during these trying times. Prior to that, I had began work as an SEO Specialist at an agency that services small businesses. As someone who is more on the entry-level side of things (God help me when looking for jobs), I want to keep sharp and continue learning so that I feel that much more prepared to take on a role. Are there any exercises I could do, or are there any newer tools trending that I should look into doing? For context, here's what I have a pretty ok understanding of

-Schema Markups (I hear this is becoming less relevant as of late though)


-Learning the backend of various CMS'

-Google Analytics/Search Console

-very basic HTML and CSS

-Content Writing

What should I prioritize learning more of, and what is something new as of late that I should be looking into? Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/itspizzathehut
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