Wednesday, January 27, 2021

.htaccess redirect 301 is giving errors in search console


Our company website is made in Joomla, and initially search console was indexing different versions of our pages : e.g. there is the 'real' url ".../engineering/industry4.0", but it also indexed "/engineering-all/industry4.0-all" or "../engineering/27-industry4.0".

Apparently these pages actually exist (because of Joomla). I canonicalized all pages with the official url, but these pages kept being indexed.

So I wanted to block access to these duplicate pages. I've added them all to our .htaccess, and redirected them to our main page.

Example :

redirect 301 /en/engineering-all /en/

I've added about 90 of these pages, and this is working. They are not accessible anymore, and are also not indexed anymore : Google moved them to "excluded - not found (404)".

However, about 8 of them are now categorized in "Error - redirect error". I don't know why, because I added the same 301 redirect in the htaccess file, and they are correctly redirected to the main /en/-page.

Any ideas how to solve this?


submitted by /u/Thomas_VDB
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