Monday, March 1, 2021

Deranked for "page with redirect" errors, but I have put no redirects on the pages? Need help

Hi everyone

My site has just seen an organic traffic decrease of between 20-30% that started a few days back. This has corresponded with deranking of several articles from the first page, and general traffic down across the board by around 20% in both impressions and clicks as shown via GSC.

GSC shows an increase in excluded URLs by around 70, with a corresponding negative change for valid URLs, and the reason it gives for this is “page with redirect”. It doesn't call these errors, and in fact the site has zero errors apparently, but the valid URLs are down, and excluded are up.

These pages don’t have redirects though, so I am unsure what to change. I have re-submitted the sitemaps xml in the vain hope this will change it, but I am trying to figure out what else could be the cause. The only changes I have made recently are:

  • Added cloudflare to the site via our host
  • Increased the density of desktop ads slightly (still well within normal levels — though CLS is high, but I think this has always not been great)
  • Other sites are also reporting hits from this new Feb change.

Perhaps it’s worth noting that during the thin content update in December 2020, we actually saw notable increases in traffic and I stand by our content as some of the highest quality in the industry. So I can mostly rule out a low quality penalty. Any advice on how to solve the page with redirect error would be great, though like I said these pages don’t have redirects, and are standalone pages.

submitted by /u/northlondonsfinest
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