Monday, September 30, 2019

Help - 200+ baclinks per month, 40-50 per day, | Are they even worth it?

We are a small business looking to hire an SEO company to help with our content marketing. We have reached out to companies locally (US), internationally (Australia, Europe) to get quotes. The price ranges from $250 per month to $1250 per month.

All of these companies tell me they will produce XX backlinks per day or per month. But when you ask specifics they tell you the backlinks are forums, commenting on blog post, social media profiles, likes, etc.

I ask them for specifics and it is like they have splattered themselves across the internet.

I know that the best links are contextual, editorial, outreach, blog post, etc.

So my question is this:

Is there even value in these 200+ backlinks? Or do they work as the keywords we are working to rank for are low-competition and some backlinks are better than no backlinks - or does google just ignore those links?

I am inclined to say no and it is just a waste of time and energy to produce these links and that our efforts/money would be better spent producing content and pursuing a CPC and social media campaign.

But I could be wrong.

submitted by /u/andersonbrandonj
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from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News>

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