Saturday, September 28, 2019

How do you get articles about game titles with numerals to rank?

I'm in a bit of a conundrum. I have a website where I write about video game strategies, lore/storywriting, and development and I've found a conflict between branding and good SEO practices. On one hand, when referencing titles for things, you want to make sure you use the proper name of the product (for instance: "Total War: Warhammer II").. on the other, when looking at SEO data, keywords using "warhammer 2" vastly outperform "warhammer ii." For instance, when I use "warhammer ii factions" with the KeywordsEverywhere extension, there's no search volume; "warhammer 2 factions" gets at least 1,000 views/month.

Again, I don't know how to reconcile referencing the intended, proper title of the game against what people are actually searching for, though even when searching "warhammer 2 factions" these are the entries that come up on the first page:

Factions - Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: Warhammer II - Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Factions - Total War: WARHAMMER II - Royal Military Academy
Race | Total War: Warhammer 2 Viki | FANDOM...
Total War: Warhammer II - Wikipedia
Rank all the factions you've played from fav to worse. -
How would you rank the Warhammer 2 factions? : totalwarhammer (subreddit)

I use Yoast SEO on WP and I know it'll yell at me if I'm not consistent but even still, that list above contains only two references to Warhammer 2 in the title, the rest with numerals if they appear. I apologize for rambling but as you can tell, I'm confused and curious how I can get the most out of SEO for this article (the working title right now is "Top Total War: WARHAMMER II Factions I Hate Fighting Against").

submitted by /u/metzge
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