Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Are directory submissions still worth it? Do they provide any actual SEO value?

I agree that directories still have a purpose for actually locating businesses, especially if you don't rank well, for example, YELP may rank really high for the "top 10 locksmiths in new york" if you are listed here it provides more avenue for customers to find you.

However, I would argue that only 5-10 directories will ever actually be used for this benefit as well as improving a consistent NAP, especially with Google implementing further location-based SERP results such as local packs and GMB.

But what about the other 100s of directories that don't fall into this, obviously some will have been made originally as link farms which are likely to cause more harm than good.

But what about the ones that aren't spammy but nor are they likely to bring any referral traffic, i'm almost certain Google will ignore links from these pages, so that aside is there actually any other SEO benefit?

submitted by /u/seo4lyf
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from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/iky5p5/are_directory_submissions_still_worth_it_do_they/>

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