Tuesday, November 24, 2020

[Linkbuilding] Do you see any risk in this move??

First of all it is already done. It can undo it, but I don't want to rush the decision.

Let me explain

I am in a quite small country and the website I talk about is providing information for majors and municipalities.

I wrote a glossary concerning a lot of terms that are used by citizens, when they interact with their local government.

Then we got access to a company that is providing the websites for about 1.100 municipalities in our country. Over that company we now implmented our glossary in about 800 different municipality websites with backlinks to our main site.

Every glossary entry contains one backlink to our Main Page and one to the repective glossary entry.

Now I see down-drops in some Ranking-Graphs (been implemented in August, with constantly growing number of websites using the glossary). I can't judge the traffic volume, because it is still unnaturally high due to CoVid.

Now my questions:

  1. Of course it is DC for all the municipalities, so canonical links will be really important for them, but also for us?
  2. On first glance the backlinks seem really topic-related and a big bunch of the municipalities websites are also .gv ... do you still see a risk, Google might consider it as spam, because such an unnatural number of new links been generated in a short time?
  3. is the double linking (to main site & glossary enrty) too much?

I really woud appreciate your opinions.


From a forest city

submitted by /u/RoboYung
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from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/k07tc9/linkbuilding_do_you_see_any_risk_in_this_move/>

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