Monday, July 1, 2019

Publish under my own name or Brand/Pen name in unrelated industries

I'm recognized in a small industry. Have an old blog associated with my business I'd like to resurrect to develop my SEO skills and dabble in affiliate marketing. I'm identified by name as the author on that blog.

But, I'd like to develop affiliate income sites in other, unrelated niches as well that I have some personal expertise in. In both cases I'd anticipate bringing in other writers over time.

So, do I continue to capitalize on my name recognition in the one niche and use a pen name in the other(s)? Create a Team[Brand/BlogName] author that we all publish under? Something else?

Would love to hear your advice on how to approach this with E-A-T in mind.

Edit: added a word

submitted by /u/awaywethrowLA
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