Monday, June 1, 2020

Is my content making strategy outdated?

I have a website on providing gift ideas to people. I have 28 blogs on it and none is ranking on the first page. I also have around 200 product pages on this site, suggested as gifts. I don't assume these product pages (80-100 words) to rank but I am having a hard time with blogs too.

On most of the keywords I find 2-6 same kinds of websites like amazon and etsy. But they don't have much content or ideas. And I try to make content of around 2500 words with atleast 30 relevant gift ideas. I even choose longtail keywords for that.

And I take the gift ideas from the top blogs ranking for the keyword. I choose the relevant ideas from all those blogs and write content on them. So, what are your thoughts on it?

(More info on website: I have 1000+ backlinks (68% dofollow) identified by ahrefs and my DR is 8/100. My webpages show my blogs are fast on desktop but moderate on mobile.)

Have any thoughts then please share.

submitted by /u/marcuspearce449
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