Thursday, July 30, 2020

How do I (and should I) become an SEO consultant

So, I've been doing SEO for nearly 20 years now, but only for myself. I own a bunch of websites that pull in around 2.5 million uniques pcm and generate a six figure income every year. I have done this single handed. At the moment most of my sites look after themselves, with fairly regular, predictable input.

Given that I can put my money where my mouth is in terms of SEO I'd like to start doing some work for other people. I have done this in the past, but nothing structured, and it's been more for my benefit as I enjoy the challenge.

My question is what do I need to do to transfer my (often intuitive) skills and knowledge to a marketable prospect? My expertise is mainly in organic traffic and on-page / site structure. I understand link-building, but am more of a fan of create quality content and the rest will happen...

As a start I would be hoping to target websites with problems that can be fixed, rather than building on already successful sites, i.e. low hanging fruit.

I guess the other part of the question is what would I need in terms of tools and what do small / mid-sized clients expect to see in terms of process / approach?

Sorry if this is all a bit vague, but any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

submitted by /u/gwenver
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