Sunday, June 2, 2019

I'm going to critique and give advice to your site if you're struggling with doing SEO for free

Some background:

I'm a High School graduate and have experience of 8 months. I had my own website giving reviews and opinions on games and apps 3 months ago. It was taken down due to a copyright law I violated and the site was never recovered. It used to get around 50,000-70,000 monthly views. I ranked 4-3 long articles by applying methods and tips I learned online from experts. I'm now in position to confidently give consultation to business.

Why I'm doing it for free?

I'm not joining college this year and got free time so instead of playing video games or watching movies, I might as well help people struggling with marketing their websites.

What's the deal?

I can critique and make a report of problems your site has that is stopping it to have a good user experience and ranking #1 search results page. I'm going to do everything manually so it can take me some hours. This way you can get an idea on what to improve on which can help you in the long run. I will also give you some SEO tips which would be very helpful. If you like my report and want to fix the stuff I mentioned then I can do it all for just $100. It will also cover keyword research. It's not compulsory to hire me though :)

submitted by /u/salman_ahmed99
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