Saturday, February 2, 2019

Is brandjacking a viable strategy?

Boss wants to do some brandjacking-style projects (I'm not sure of the details around how to do it TBH) based on a blog post he read. Basically we will write really long posts targeted at branded keywords.

I think this isn't a fruitful strategy and could tarnish our brand. But I don't know enough. There's simply not much out there about this. I think he may be using the wrong word to describe what he wants to do (which is basically use higher-traffic branded keywords to draw traffic to us)

Thoughts? Ideas? Objections?

FWIW I'd rather stick to the basics and produce valuable evergreen stuff (we're in a niche that has a lack of content producers) over this sort of weird gray-area stuff. Plus in my experience Google is simply way smarter than this strategy

submitted by /u/gukeums1
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