Sunday, December 1, 2019

Is it unethical to convert written content from other people into YouTube videos?

Hey all,

I'm fairly new to internet marketing. I've started a few ventures, one doing high-ticket drop shipping (working with US suppliers), a little bit of web design, and more recently writing SEO-driven content for my niche site.

I love teaching people new things and researching topics. I also think I'm a fairly good writer, I just get really bored writing content. The idea of having to write a 1200-1500 word blog post at least 4 times a month quickly turns me off. However, the process of creating videos is very fun for me.

I've also noticed that YouTube SEO seems to be fairly easier to rank than Google SEO, as there's a large number of underserved topics that have yet to have videos made for them.

So my question is:

Is it unethical to convert written content from other blogs into YouTube videos?

Or in other words, my overall plan would be:

  1. Find long-tail keywords with decent search volume in a specific niche
  2. Determine if those keywords are underserved on YouTube (not Google)
  3. Compile main points from 2-3 of the highest-ranking Google articles for that keyword
  4. Create a video similar to all of those articles, just in a video format for YouTube.

Does anyone have any experience doing this, know anyone who does this, or see any major flaws with this idea?

submitted by /u/cutieboy420
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