Sunday, December 1, 2019

Why don't I have any traffic to my website?

1.5 months ago I bought a host and domain and started creating my website. So far I can not get any traffic to my website. I have done everything by book, My SEO is very good. topics I pic for my posts are carefully chosen. I promote every post I make on reddit, twitter, tumbler, Pinterest .... but despite all efforts, I don't get much traffic, maybe at best less than 10 visitors. so far I have created more than 20 posts. but Alexa doesn't recognize my website and still, can't be found on search engines. search engines I know it takes time to get on to the 1st page. but at least I wanna know how can I bring more traffic to my website? In social media like twitter I just have 6 followers which is very low and despite all the hashtags I use, I can not get any impression or any engagement. Can someone tell me what should i do to bring more traffic to my website?

submitted by /u/Loona82
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