Tuesday, October 30, 2018

What are some key attributes that can help me stand out among other candidates and excel in this industry?

I always feel overwhelmed when I imagine how many other people like me have applied for this SEO strategist/specialist/associate role and how the hiring managers ultimately decide who to hire when everyone probably has the same experience/skill-sets and experience of bringing results at their previous agency. I feel like in this saturated industry (if it's not as saturated as I think it may be, please correct me if wrong) one has to be quite different or unique from others to get that higher paying salary and excel. so how can I be that unique one? what are some key attributes and how can I develop them? really want to excel as an SEO and make my way up but I feel like every other Joe who does SEO is exactly like me.

submitted by /u/drinkyafkingmilk
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from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/9soojq/what_are_some_key_attributes_that_can_help_me/>

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