Saturday, January 8, 2022

should i block slow countries from accessing my website to improve core web vitals?

Hi - my Lab scores for Mobile and Desktop are normally 98-100%. However my Field scores are in the 'Needs Improvement' or 'Poor' categories for FCP and LCP.

I cannot really optimize the site any more and I already use Cloudflare CDN.

There are some countries that are much slower than others like Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, China, Bangladesh. For example 20 second load times compared with 2 seconds in the UK and US where the most valuable traffic comes from.

They also have higher bounce rates and are very unlikely to convert. They also contribute a lot of spam to the site.

With Cloudflare you can simply block traffic from these countries and in theory improve all these metrics which should mean the site ranks higher?

What do you think are the pros and cons of doing this?

thanks for your help :)

submitted by /u/Marwoob
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