Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Duplicate content issue for client in the event's space

I've got a client who is in the tours/events space, as they also use MeetUp and EventBrite to publish their content for

events. All of the content that is published for events on their website also exists on MeetUp and EventBrite.

Not only that, but they also use an API to pull the info from EventBrite to display for events on their website.

This is obviously a 1-to-1 copy of the existing content that's already out there. I'm trying to find a way to work around this, and curious if any other similar companies had this issue and how they

solved it.

One solution would be to have EventBrite and MeetUp canonicalize that event information, and hardcore it on the client's

site. The issue being, neither of these platforms will canonicalize or no-index that content for obvious reasons.

It seems a bit counter-productive to have the client also re-build new content around events. Then there would be an additional page added that would exist between their own event page, or even if they linked out to MeetUp or EventBrite.

I'm curious if there are any creative ways on how to handle this situation from other businesses who have been in a similar situation.

The obvious objective here is to ultimately rank event pages in Google, but that can't be done with the current setup.

Appreciate any insights

submitted by /u/belaroochka
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