Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Opinions wanted - can you tell a website's traffic reliably without installing Google Analytics or Search Console etc.?

So, unrelated to me, but my company botched a website migration by not following SEO best practice.

However, it was a relatively simple redesign on the same domain on Wordpress, the only change was to hosting.

Some third party SEO guy for our client trashed our company into oblivion for launching this way. And I used to work in SEO, I get it can affect rankings. However, this wasn't the deal he made it up to be. We had a website backup, reversed everything and began doing the SEO best practice (again, I had no idea the web team had done this without that in place, wasn't my department). To my knowledge, reacting quickly like this won't harm the website, it's only waiting weeks that can hurt rankings.

I then got curious and checked the new website we'd done for the client - it didn't have any Google Analytics or Search Console etc. installed because this third party SEO guy didn't even have access to the new website yet.

I ran a SEMrush check and it looks like the organic traffic hasn't tanked at all - it's exactly the same.

My questions are:

1) How could this guy know the website "tanked" their SEO? It was mostly the same content and URLs on a redesign. I'm not saying it didn't affect them, but how would he know this without installing GA or SC tags first? Do you think he's misinterpreting the cease in that feed to Google as a dropout of traffic?

2) He and the client all refused to share SC or GA logins with us when we asked - why would someone hide that? What do they have to gain? I just wanted to call the guy out on his theatrics for trashing us, to be honest, given SEMrush told a different story (of course SEMrush is less reliable, that's why I wanted access to the actual data). Also, is it reasonable to expect us to handle the launch when we don't have access to search console?

Thanks for any insights and opinions - I can't see straight on this one anymore.

submitted by /u/DontTakeThatTone
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