Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Help me understand what is meant by 'niche'

Hey guys,

I understand why positioning within a specific niche is beneficial; its easier to draw traffic, gain authority, dominate a space etc.

But.. if you are able to identify enough low competition keywords that you believe you can rank for, how much does it really matter?


I want to create a website selling DVDs. I've managed to identify several keywords with low difficulty and intend to write articles around them (i.e. 'best 80s sci-fi films', 'best black and white comedys', etc).

I would end up with a website full of articles which ought to rank and draw in traffic, which I would hope to redirect to DVD sellers. However in this instance, my 'niche' would be pretty broad - basically I'm just selling DVDs.

Although I'm not really drilling down that specifically, would this still be a viable strategy for building a affiliate marketing website or is there something I'm missing?

submitted by /u/Jack_ten
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from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/pfhjf5/help_me_understand_what_is_meant_by_niche/>

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