Thursday, May 30, 2019

Is there a "signal" to Google to rank you in specific countries? Like rank in U.S. not India

Our organic impressions for key terms where we want to rank high are jumping up significantly. Ordinarily that's great. Unfortunately they're increasing in India! Our business comes from North America & Europe. Is there anything we can do that would "signal" to Google that organic traffic from the U.S., Canada and Europe is more important?

Google may have decided that India is important because 1) we have an offshore office in India and 2) there's an unrelated company with a similar name in India. When we're hiring in our Bengaluru office, people from India search for us. There's also a constant stream of people searching for the other company that click through to our site. While this traffic is okay for hiring purposes, it will never lead to new business. In addition, I can see in Hotjar when people from India land organically on the key terms, they are reading the content, even long form content. Bounce rate is low, time on page long, they click through to other pages. So that benefits us, just in the wrong country!

I'm thinking to PPC these key terms and define only U.S. as the audience. And also, pay for ads on LinkedIn targeted to drive traffic only from the U.S. to these pages. Has anyone else had experience targeting specific countries? Plus trying to not rank in specific countries?

submitted by /u/1st_sailonsilvergirl
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