Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Best Way to Get Big Time Backlinks Is to "Create News" Or Through Interesting, Creative Content

Hey guys, some time ago I wrote a post about how I get high authority dofollow links and a lot of people thought it was beneficial. Figured I'd update everyone for what's been working in 2019.

So... here it goes... basically you have to "create news" or come up with informative or creative content that is high quality enough that others want to write about it. What I mean by that is as follows:

Create The News:

Look at the latest news headlines. What is trending? What big events are coming up? What are people talking about? Find how this info relates to your site or businesses and then create VISUAL content that you can pitch to journalists and online publications.

Here is a simple example... back in August, Starbucks released their pumpkin spice latte incredibly early... for some reason people love talking about this and it was immediately trending on social media. So, we simply mapped out geotagged twitter mentions and created a map showing who the top "Pumpkin Spice Latte States" were. This was for a food and cooking site I was working with.

We then used a simple, personalized cold-email pitch to journalists who wrote about similar topics, and the map was picked up by several large sites (who also included links to the food site I was working with).

Another good example, a research project, or data project with visualizations... journalists love these.

I was working with an auto client and at the time, Trump was thinking about increasing tariffs on several European cars and car parts... we crunched the numbers and figured out how much the price would increase on several top selling cars... we then visualized that info and pitched it to journalists.

Another example, for a men's grooming site, we looked at NFL Quarterback performance with and without bears, then visualized it and pitched it to sports sites. etc.

Or just get creative...

When Elon Musk Shot That Tesla Roadster into outer space, we commissioned a "retro" side scrolling space shooter video game to be made, starring the Tesla Roadster and the SpaceX Starman. This was embedabble and tons of sites picked it up. The game cost like $500 to make.

So again, the process is pretty simple and definitely not a secret... basically, you care looking to create high quality content based on current events or trends... content that relates in some way to your site or business. Once that content is created (often visual) you simply pitch that content to journalists who write about similar subjects.

9 times out of 10, if a journalists ends up taking the content, they include a big fat link in the article.

Using this strategy, I've gotten links in pretty much every big publication you can think of. Mashable, CNET, Esquire, LA Times, Sports Illustrated, etc. etc.

Create awesome content, and people will be happy to give you credit (in the form of links) to use it.

Hope this helps! Cheers!

submitted by /u/gooblemonster
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