Monday, March 29, 2021

How do Chinese backlinks affect SEO?

Fairly soon I will be starting a new eCommerce store. I've been reading up on expired domains and their supposed benefits and drawbacks for some time now. From what I understand, if you find an expired domain with a decent DR and good quality backlinks it can give you a slight edge in terms of SEO. I'm not stating it as fact, but rather what I've come across in my research (as I know there's a lot of contradicting info out there regarding SEO).

I'm using Expired Domains (.net) to see what's out there. Most of the decent-looking domains I find have a crapload of Chinese backlinks. I've read that these can have a negative effect on SEO. In addition to this, there are a few small pieces of information that I'd like clarity on.

  1. How do Chinese backlinks affect a domain?
  2. What metric do you focus on when looking for expired domains? And, why?
  3. Is there a minimum DR that I should look out for? And, why or why not?
  4. What has your experience been like with buying and using expired domains?

So far I've been using filters to display expired .com domains, but I'm only slightly familiar with some of the metrics that are used. Most of the time I'm filtering by BL or DP.

Whether you answer just one or all of the questions, your advice is greatly appreciated. Everything about SEO really interests me so I want to learn as much as I can.

submitted by /u/DeliberatelyVivid
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