Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Is creating backlinks that lead to social media pages over actual webpages recommended for SEO?

Hi there,

I've been at an SEO job for a small local marketing agency for a few months now and I wanted to ask this community about an issue I'm having trouble determining the best course of action for. To preface, I've very much learned SEO on the job and I'd say I'm more of a project manager than anything else, but I handle SEO efforts for many clients.

Part of my monthly tasks for SEO is building backlinks which comes down to me assigning a budget for an outsourced company. They produce content including small videos, slide shows with 60-70 word blurbs, and sometimes 500-word blogs. They post this content to some recognizable websites and many obscure websites to create backlinks. However, these links rarely, if ever, go to the client's web pages and rather link to their social media profiles.

My main question here is: is this beneficial at all? They said their reasoning had to do with the fact that linking directly to a page could hurt rather than help it. To me, this sounds like they know their content isn't authoritative and our company believes that they don't have confidence in the links they are building. Please keep in mind most of these social media pages are incredibly inactive and borderline dormant. We rarely do social media work for clients unless specifically outlined in a contract.

I'd like to ask for your help in determining how we might adjust the strategy of this outsourced company and ask for any advice when it comes to building backlinks. I've seen multiple articles talking about guest posting and whatnot but none of these suggestions I've found apply to these clients as they don't write their own content. We have content writers create the content for me to publish. I know these can be pretty sinful strategies but they are the resources I have to work with. These clients are usually small to medium-sized local businesses (chiropractor, dentist, auto-shop, lawyer, etc)

I hope I didn't ramble on too much and I look forward to anyone's comments and feedback on this matter.

submitted by /u/Slushy515
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from Search Engine Optimization: The Latest SEO News https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/mghxid/is_creating_backlinks_that_lead_to_social_media/>

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