Friday, December 27, 2019

Repeating the page title for aesthetic purposes?

I have been looking for an answer for this for a while before I implement it, and searching was getting me nowhere so I thought I'd best ask some knowledgeable humans.

Essentially, I'm checking if repeating the text of the page title for aesthetic/decorative purposes would cause any issues regarding SEO.

For example, say the title of a page in a nice big clear font and enclosed in H1 tags is "This is an example of a page title" (catchy, I know); but for decorative purposes either above or below this was another DIV with "This is an example of a page title" repeated, but in a font that looks nice but isn't particularly readable to the average viewer.

For reference, the decorative font I would be using is a fictional alphabet, so it would make sense in the context of the website content.

Or alternatively, is there a way to get the the repeated DIV ignored for SEO or otherwise marked as being a purely decorative element.

submitted by /u/beeurd
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