Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Bad idea to use keyword that has low difficulty and linking domains but bad back-links?

I've been thinking about starting a blog and am new to doing keyword research. I found a keyword that was rated to have a low difficulty despite having a pretty high search volume. According to that SEO tool it also showed that most of the top 10 webpages for that keyword had few linking domains

When I looked at some of those top 10 webpages and their linking domains, it seemed like the vast majority were either from sites that I don't think provide good backlinks (sites such as, webpages such as from blogspot that seemed very outdated and their content only consisted of links to other sites and their domain names had nothing to do with the keyword, or coupon sites (such as which doesn't make sense to me as the blog posts were free

For some of the sites in the top 10 google rankings for that keyword, I guess they ranked high because their Domain Authorities were high. But I'm confused as to how those other webpages with lowish DAs made the top 10

Is this the norm when doing keyword research? Is this a sign that I shouldn't pursue this keyword as I'll also likely get bad backlinks?

submitted by /u/thraway15
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