Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Are Blogs That Cover Various Unrelated Niches Hurt From Google's Algorithm?

I recall reading that that there was a Google algorithm update in the past the penalized sites that are filled with random posts from unrelated topics vs a site that specializes in one topic.

For example, if you're targeting a keyword related to guitars Google would favor a website exclusively about guitars rather than a website that covers hundreds of different topics, and happens to have a guitar related article on it.

I was wondering if anyone has any experience/ case studies around this.

I had always believed it to be true. Then I found this one site where it literally positioned itself a site that was meant to be a hodgepodge of random facts for those who are overly curious about random things. Possibly someone who's into trivia or something.

I looked through the articles and they were all high quality, well-researched posts.

I looked in SEMrush and it seems that the website is doing pretty well considering it only has 40 posts on it.

This idea really has me interested because I feel like keyword research/ content strategy would be SUPER easy for a blog topic like this. Literally infinite amount of low competition/ high search volume keywords that you would be able to target if you don't have to stick to one category.

I would love you know your thoughts on this.


submitted by /u/zamtech1994
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