Saturday, September 26, 2020

Who is your go-to source for good SEO info?

Hey everyone, a quick background, I've been doing online work since 1999 (seriously) yet I still completely suck at SEO. I've never been good at it no matter how hard I try.

I think the main reason is that I get information overload and end up trying 5 different techniques at the same time and then getting impatient when I don't see instant results because I am not sure if any of the 5 are even valid techniques.

So I humbly ask, if you had to start over with SEO right now and follow a site, youtuber, blog, anything and are confident that person's information will lead you in the best possible direction at ranking high, what would it be?

Disclaimer - I know there is no magical path to ranking and no one person has all the right answers, but I'm basically looking for a guide from someone who knows their stuff and could tell me basic things like...

  1. Make sure to have at least one H1 tag per page but no more than one. No more than one H2 per page.
  2. Make sure to have meta description and title
  3. Make sure to have schema tags
  4. Make sure to have a sellers.json file with information if you have ads
  5. Proper alt tags on images
  6. Get relevant link backs (and maybe tips on HOW to get those links)
  7. Write your title with the keyword in it

Stuff like that. A basic checklist to go through to make sure your site is properly built before going through the task of creating the content. I am well aware relevant content is king and that's the only reason I get search traffic today, but I'd like to dominate some key words after making sure my site is properly built.

Thanks for any help you can provide. I feel like my site offers such great information for the topic I am in, but it's buried on like the 4th page for some crucial keywords. And I say that with confidence about offering good content because I do get millions of pageviews a month largely from the social media, bookmarks, and people searching directly for my site. I just need proper site structure to make sure that aspect of SEO is at least correct.


submitted by /u/stevebeans
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